Friday, December 21, 2007

Knit the Knits, Purl the Purls??

Alrighty.. I figured out how the stiches decrease, and where the pattern repeats. But this whole... "knit the knits and purl the purls" as they appear instructions have me confuzzled. I could call a fellow knitter whom Ive just met online, but I have supreme faith in the internet to answer my knitterly woes.. as of yet I have not learned this commonplace instruction(i assume). Plus, its I kinda feel some type of way about calling someone Ive never met for help. Im sooo not going near a shopping center, even armed w/a 30% off coupon to purchase some book of answers... If you happen to land on this blog and know what I'm talking about.. share!

mighty Yahoo! answers to the rescue...

in short, kniting knits and purling purls = stockinette stich..derrr

1 comment:

maguidhir said...

I just started the Brea Bag tonight, and I wasn't quite sure what that meant either, so thanks for answering my question :)